Dixin Luo

Assistant Professor. Beijing Institute of Technology.



5 Zhongguancun S ST

Beijing, China

I am a machine learning scientist. I am currently working as an Assistant Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China. My research aims to develop robust and generalizable machine learning models and algorithms that solve challenging real-world problems. I have been focusing on several research topics, including multi-modal learning, sequential data analysis, and artificial intelligence for healthcare. In terms of methodology, I’m interested in computational optimal transport, temporal point processes, and their applications in various domains.

I received my PhD and BE in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), in 2016 and 2010, respectively, where I was jointly supervised by Prof. Wenjun Zhang (SJTU), Prof. Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Tech) and Prof. Xiaokang Yang (SJTU). After that, I spent four incredible years at University of Toronto and Duke University as a postdoctoral fellow.

I am recruiting talented and well-motivated undergrad/graduate students to work with on interesting research projects! If you are interested, please drop me an email with your CV.


Jul 26, 2023 :tada: Our paper “Self-supervised Video Summarization Guided by Semantic Inverse Optimal Transport” has been accepted by ACM Multimedia 2023.
Apr 25, 2023 :tada: Our papers "Group Sparse Optimal Transport for Sparse Process Flexibility Design" and "Coupled Point Process-based Sequence Modeling for Privacy-preserving Network Alignment" have been accepted by IJCAI 2023.